Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Baby Lukas part 2!

Here is the rest of the preview for baby Lukas! He is such a sweet heart and looks so cute in either of his diaper or his little stripped outfit.. or in his parents arms! They have such a heart stopper.. Happy early Valentines Day mommy and daddy!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Baby Lukas Part 1

Here is a preview of baby Lukas's newborn session today. He was born January 22nd and is getting bigger by the second! I hope you enjoy these first few as there is more to come!

This one is my favorite so far!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snowy Tuesday

I just wanted to share some shots that I took on tuesday right after it snowed again. I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jim and Sarah's Maternity Session

Here is the rest of the images from the previous post! Sarah is due in March and little Nora is so excited to come out and see the world. We can't wait to see her!
Enjoy the rest of these images!


I hope you see that God is working in your life today because he is working in mine! 

I love sharing what inspires me and what motivates me everyday in life as well in my work. So you may see Weddings and Portraits, but you will also see my family, friends, my amazing cats and anything else that I love to do. I hope you stop by often or RSS feed my blog because I have a lot to share and there is always something going on!

**Also as of January 2009 I am a photographer for Think Pink Photography! It's a great site for breast cancer awareness and to get people connected. Want to donate? Click the link and check it out!

Thanks for stopping and dont forget to check out my website!