Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Special Promo!

Hey look out for the new card that may be coming your way...
New special going on for the fall! If you refer someone and they book a session with me I will take 15% off your next session/order!
So pass on the word!

Giant bugs in nature!

The Morton Arboretum is showcasing a set of sculptures of bugs that a local made and they have a lot of cool events going on with it for kids. Its actually pretty cool. They are huge though! I just had a free couple of hours and found out they were doing this when I drove in. Everyone should check out Morton.. its a great place to just hang out and enjoy nature in all seasons!

Blumen Gardens

One place I have grown to love is Blumen Gardens. It is such a cool place to hang out and enjoy the smells and sights of beautiful flowers and all the cool nik naks they have lying around. I have started taking a lot of my groups here for photographs since it is such a great place.
These are just a few of the great shots that I got from my last visit of the wonderful sights you will see.

Panoramic Project...the cottage

Vacation underwater..

On our vacation to wisconsin all of the locals towns were partially underwater or the water was at its banks. The fox river is definitely up and that is all part of the reason this local town near our cottage was partially underwater. Every time we drove by after we walked around it seemed to be rising higher and higher. Needless to say we had to investigate..and I had to photograph. It was so sad though to see all these businesses and homes taking in water and ruining everything.

The town of princeton also has a pretty cool downtown and some neat old buildings. It was a great place for some neat pictures and a treasure trove for me as I love old colorful doors.


I had the pleasure of photographing Caitlin for my easter seals work. It is a great organization that trys to help special needs children maintain a normal life and in this case do an annual event each year that showcases how great they really are. She is such a sweety and I cant wait to see her pictures along with many others blown up into poster sizes for the big event. It should be a blast to see all the families together!
Thanks for a great couple of days!

Graduated and ready to shine!

Becca has graduated from DHS and is now getting ready to move on to bigger and better things by going to Milikin to major in music. She is obviously a beautiful girl but what you cant see just by looking at her is that she is very talented too. She will do great in college and in her future career. Good luck in school and have fun. 
Thanks for letting me take more pictures of you and for a fun afternoon.


I hope you see that God is working in your life today because he is working in mine! 

I love sharing what inspires me and what motivates me everyday in life as well in my work. So you may see Weddings and Portraits, but you will also see my family, friends, my amazing cats and anything else that I love to do. I hope you stop by often or RSS feed my blog because I have a lot to share and there is always something going on!

**Also as of January 2009 I am a photographer for Think Pink Photography! It's a great site for breast cancer awareness and to get people connected. Want to donate? Click the link and check it out!

Thanks for stopping and dont forget to check out my website!