Sunday, February 15, 2009

We have a new family member!!

Here he is!!! I bring to you our new member of the Dibblee family: Cooper Dibblee - aka - coop face.. per steve.

Cooper we adopted from a friend who needed him to have a place to stay instead of going back to a shelter. He came from a shelter and for those of you who know me.. our other 2 cats Rocko and Izzy are from shelters. This guy has had a hard time adjusting from being the King to being in a pride of my little lions. He is finally adjusting though and is getting plenty of love.

And of course I had to put this in here.. my play on steve getting management at walgreens. Rocko is SOOOO tired of being a manager at walgreens and wearing polyester.. need I say more. But either way.. he is too cute!

Happy Valentines Day and One to Remember

So I hope you all had a great and wonderful Valentines Day! I hope it was everything and more for those of you who get to celebrate it, and that the rest of you had a great saturday! I however had to work opposite shifts with my hubby so I didnt get to see him till midnight. However the night before when I got home late he had this waiting for me in our bedroom with candles lit around it to make them look all that much more beautiful! They also made the room smell great only as flowers can. He is my sweetheart and I love him so much.

On a side note of Valentines Day I just wanted to make a note to remember those in the Valentines Day murders at NIU. NIU is near and dear to me and I have many friends that go there as well as family that works there; so it was such a hard time for everyone. It has been one year to date and we just cherish the lives that were lost and hope for the future of those that survived. Please keep NIU and those students and there families in your prayers as we go another year past this devastating event.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

So I know I put this in my welcome section for right now but I wanted to explain it a little better.
Think Pink Photography is a non for profit web site that links up photographers with breast cancer patients and families to get together and give them the gift of photographs of how beautiful they really are despite the cancer that has either started or has left them. They receive a complimentary session with the photographer and some prints to go with it.
Every time a regular client books with me though and purchases a Think Pink frame set or cards with the unique logo of LIVE LAUGH LOVE on it, I make a donation to them for the cause. Its a great way to connect and help others but also great for networking and making a difference too!
Now if you have any questions or would like to buy a frame set for yourself just shoot me an email. And of course donate towards the cure of breast cancer. I personally have had loved ones touched by breast cancer and so I know how this can affect lives. I hope you take the time to look at there website and possibly donate to them. In a time like this, donations get really low so they can use everything they get!
Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mac Scratcher

So when I am working on my images or just surfing the images this is one image I always see..

Izzy; one of my children is always licking my screen from the back or rubbing her face to itch her chin etc... she drives me crazy doing this but I cant help but love her for making my life that much more enjoyable and making me laugh in the process!

Have a great wednesday and love on your children for the great joys they give you even when they may be small!

Iron Art

So I am a big fan of ordinary objects becoming amazing pieces of art. I am always in search of new images that encompasses that idea. So more images from my great day in the sun are these great pieces of art from just regular iron fences. Treated right.. Art for my walls! Hope you love these as much as I do!

Steves Photo Opp!

Ok, so I have been soooo bad in blogging since Christmas but the cold has gotten the better of me and I hate it when it gets so cold..BURR!!
Either way I have been cooped up way to long and am overdue for some photo fun so here is the next couple posts of shots of took today when the weather was amazing!! I really cant wait for spring to be here so I can get out more! Hope you enjoy!

This is my amazing husband who believe it or not has rarely been photographed by himself. I'm always photographing others but don't ever get a real good chance to get him in one place. So with the great weather and having the same day off for the first time in a LONG time we went out and had some fun in the sun and since he is way too handsome why not?! It is also a special occasion for Steve since tomorrow starts his first day as Assistant Manager at his job. He got promoted and starts his official first day in his new position tomorrow so that made this shoot also a special one... steps into a bigger and better position for him. Congrats Steve! You will do great!


I hope you see that God is working in your life today because he is working in mine! 

I love sharing what inspires me and what motivates me everyday in life as well in my work. So you may see Weddings and Portraits, but you will also see my family, friends, my amazing cats and anything else that I love to do. I hope you stop by often or RSS feed my blog because I have a lot to share and there is always something going on!

**Also as of January 2009 I am a photographer for Think Pink Photography! It's a great site for breast cancer awareness and to get people connected. Want to donate? Click the link and check it out!

Thanks for stopping and dont forget to check out my website!