Sunday, February 15, 2009

We have a new family member!!

Here he is!!! I bring to you our new member of the Dibblee family: Cooper Dibblee - aka - coop face.. per steve.

Cooper we adopted from a friend who needed him to have a place to stay instead of going back to a shelter. He came from a shelter and for those of you who know me.. our other 2 cats Rocko and Izzy are from shelters. This guy has had a hard time adjusting from being the King to being in a pride of my little lions. He is finally adjusting though and is getting plenty of love.

And of course I had to put this in here.. my play on steve getting management at walgreens. Rocko is SOOOO tired of being a manager at walgreens and wearing polyester.. need I say more. But either way.. he is too cute!

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I hope you see that God is working in your life today because he is working in mine! 

I love sharing what inspires me and what motivates me everyday in life as well in my work. So you may see Weddings and Portraits, but you will also see my family, friends, my amazing cats and anything else that I love to do. I hope you stop by often or RSS feed my blog because I have a lot to share and there is always something going on!

**Also as of January 2009 I am a photographer for Think Pink Photography! It's a great site for breast cancer awareness and to get people connected. Want to donate? Click the link and check it out!

Thanks for stopping and dont forget to check out my website!